Last but not least we are talking about your Governance systems and processes. It’s amazing how some people switch off when you mention the word policy or procedure!
If this isn’t your forte then ask someone else in your organisation to assist, whilst we have left this to the last, it’s one of the most critical factors that determine success. You can meet the other three abilities to 100% but if you don’t have foundational governance to support the project then it just won’t happen.
A basic example of this – and a very familiar tale – is when the person who was driving the project leaves the organisation and suddenly the project falters or fails because no-one is interested or has any accountability for the project. Then there’s the acquittal and you’ll want to give that job away when you realise there is so much information missing that you need! This is a very hard job indeed; believe me, I’ve had to help a few organisations complete acquittals after the fact and it’s a frustrating and at times, a rather creative process.
It’s for these reasons and a whole lot more, that funders are taking a closer look at the Accountability and Governance systems of organisations. Those with DGR (2) status will know that there’s been a major shift in the funding landscape and one of the areas of accountability is to ensure that you are actually running programs, projects and services that clearly align with your objectives and fulfil the DGR certification requirements you have been given.
You will also need to demonstrate that you have statutory governance processes in place. Most funders want to ensure that you comply with statutory requirements such as conflicts of interest and confidentiality. Do you have a code of conduct or a confidentiality agreement?
Here’s a few other things to think about:
Check out my other 3 abilities;
Part 1. Capability
Part 2. Sustainability
Part 3. Viability
*The Four Abilities is Trademarked by Natalie Bramble
A basic example of this – and a very familiar tale – is when the person who was driving the project leaves the organisation and suddenly the project falters or fails because no-one is interested or has any accountability for the project. Then there’s the acquittal and you’ll want to give that job away when you realise there is so much information missing that you need! This is a very hard job indeed; believe me, I’ve had to help a few organisations complete acquittals after the fact and it’s a frustrating and at times, a rather creative process.
It’s for these reasons and a whole lot more, that funders are taking a closer look at the Accountability and Governance systems of organisations. Those with DGR (2) status will know that there’s been a major shift in the funding landscape and one of the areas of accountability is to ensure that you are actually running programs, projects and services that clearly align with your objectives and fulfil the DGR certification requirements you have been given.
You will also need to demonstrate that you have statutory governance processes in place. Most funders want to ensure that you comply with statutory requirements such as conflicts of interest and confidentiality. Do you have a code of conduct or a confidentiality agreement?
Here’s a few other things to think about:
- Do you have a register of interests you maintain?
- Do you have policies and procedures that are used and updated?
- What are your risk identification and management practices like?
- What about an audit?
- What are the accountability systems you have in place to govern the project and your organisation?
Check out my other 3 abilities;
Part 1. Capability
Part 2. Sustainability
Part 3. Viability
*The Four Abilities is Trademarked by Natalie Bramble